Saturday, February 1, 2014

Welcome to Week 3 -Let the blogging begin

I am looking forward to leading the digital discussion this week. I am also nervous to be following Isaac's footsteps as he did a great job last week. 
I have summarized the guidance for this week's forum discussions below: 
Please follow the following line items: 

1) Review the discussion question under Week Three Blog Discussion in iLearn

2) Then  go to your blog and publish an initial response to the discussion question (Please do not post a response in iLearn) 

3) Follow four blogs ( two from members of our team and two from outside of our team but within group B for team 6)
Here is the link to our team's media sites 

4) Reply to initial response posts published by the blog authors that you follow: offer comments just as you would in the iLearn Forum discussions. 
  • Note: as the leader for the week I am going to be following your blogs but I am not required to follow comments you make to teammates outside of our team. 
I kindly invite you to also follow my Blog  
If you have any question please contact me at 
Best of luck! Hope you all have a great week! 
Best Regards, 

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